Thank for you visiting the consultation website in support of our proposals at Land known as “Kingmoor” located at Land east of Bryn Lane, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham, LL13 9UT. This consultation is open for comments and feedback from the public and businesses alike until 6th January 2023. All information and documents are presented in draft format so that any comments can be collated, evaluated and if appropriate, incorporated into our proposals prior to the submission of a formal planning application.
The consultation is undertaken in compliance with the Town & Country Planning Act, 1990 and provisions of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order, 2012 and related guidance published by the Welsh Government and Wrexham Borough Council.
FI Real Estate Management (FIREM) is pleased to present its ideas for its £65m development proposals at Land known as “Kingmoor” located at Land east of Bryn Lane, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham, LL13 9UT through this online exhibition and community consultation.
Wrexham Industrial Estate is the second largest such estate in the UK, host to over 300 companies, and a strategically important employment location for Wrexham and the wider North Wales economy. Investment in new premises is central to maintaining the presence of existing businesses and encouraging new enterprises. FIREM asset manages over 500,000 sq ft of industrial space across the Estate and has a development pipeline of circa 2m sq ft over the next 5 years.
FIREM is developing its proposals for development of the Kingmoor site in response to demand for a strategically placed and sustainable large scale Logistics Park for warehouse and distribution (Class B8 Use).
We believe this proposal will enhance and complement the quality units on offer within the Estate, providing a major boost to employment in Wrexham.
FIREM hopes to bring forward development in late 2023 following grant of planning permission in summer 2023.
The Proposal
Key elements of the proposed development envisaged for the site are as follows:
- 2 or 3 independent logistic warehouses, with a potential combined floorspace totalling 93,019sqm (1,001,250 sqft)
- Each unit is designed for use for major logistics operations encompass warehousing space (Use Class B8) and complementary office space and ancillary uses
- Potential full-time employment creation when complete is circa 1033 FTE jobs
- Potential to create circa 510 construction jobs per annum over the 2 year construction period
- Each unit will benefit from dedicated service yards to the front of each building and dedicated car parking for each unit
- Provision for electric vehicle charging will supported to future proof the development
- Proposed building heights will be up to 28m to ridgeline to accommodate internal high-bay racking systems that require clear heights of 25m to haunch
- New buildings will be energy efficient with a target of BREEAM Excellent and EPC A rating
- Total site area is 25.4 hectares, but only 55% or 13.97 hectares, will be built upon
- Built development will be focused to the west and central areas of the site, adjacent to Bryn Lane across the road from Kelloggs, and between the new Net World Sports warehouse to the north and Very Groups’ operation to the south
- Access will be off the existing Bryn Lane junction with a new north road link into the site
- A Regionally significant Nature Area will be provided, including a major area for Great Crested Newts located to the east of the proposed buildings linked to ecological corridors north and south of the buildings
- New landscaping and strengthening of existing landscape to site boundaries and within ecological mitigation zones is proposed
Proving Feedback
The consultation period will run until 6th January 2023.
You can provide feedback by email or letter as follows:
- By Post to: FI Real Estate Management (Land know as ‘Kingmoor’, Wrexham Industrial Estate), Canal Mill, Botany Bay, Chorley, Lancashire PR6 9AF
- By Email to: [email protected] (please put “Land know as ‘Kingmoor’, Wrexham Industrial Estate” in the subject line)
After the consultation period has ended all feedback will be collated and evaluated to inform the final planning application proposals. Any comments received after this date may not inform our evaluation.

Elevations Unit 1
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Elevations Unit 2
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Elevations Unit 3
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Proposed Site Plan
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Site Context
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The Team
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Landscape and Ecology
Download PDFReports
To access the below reports please click here.
AQ & Noise
- Kingmoor Wrexham Air Quality Assessment (Oct 2022)
- Kingmoor Site 3A – Noise Assessment Report – Draft
- Badger MS – Plot 3A
- Reptile Survey – Plot 3A
- Bat GLTA – Plot 3A
- UES Breeding Bird Survey – Plot 3A
- UES PYSM Survey – Plot 3A
- UES GCN Method Statement – Plot 3A
- UES Aerial Tree Inspection & Bat PA Report – Plot 3A
- EcIA – Plot 3A
- GCN IA – Plot 3A
- GCN IA – Plot 3A
- Badger Activity – Plot 3A
- Terrestrial Inverts – Plot 3A
- Dingy Skipper – Plot 3A
Landscape & Visual Impact
- Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment – First Draft
- Planting Plan & Schedule Sheets 1-13
Phase 1 SI Report
- SPA Phase 1 Kingmoor Park FIREM
- Nutrient Neutraility Statement Kingmoor Wrexham
Structural & Civils
- Drainage Strategy Rev P02
- Flood Risk Assessment Rev p02
- High Level Drainage Strategy
- O&M Manual Rev 02
- TA – Kingmoor WIE 2nd Draft for Consultation
- TP – Kingmoor WIE 2nd Draft for Consultation
- EIA Screening Report
- Covering Letter
- Draft Planning Statement
- PAC Employment Land Report
- Social Values Statement
- PAC Waste Management Plan
- Draft Design and Access Statement
- Drawing Pack
Please be aware that comments left on any public consultation exercise, either by email or any other means, are subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy. Please read this policy carefully as by submitting the information you are consenting to our use of your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
Your personal data will be retained on our secure database and will not be passed to our clients.
We may also like to contact you to keep you informed about future developments relating to this consultation. You will be able to opt-out of these communications at any time.