Thank for you visiting the consultation website in support of our proposals at 47 & 48 “Dragon Packaging” Clywedog Road North, Wrexham Industrial Estate.  This consultation is open for comments and feedback from the public and businesses alike until the 13th October 2022 . All information and documents are presented in draft format so that any comments can be collated, evaluated and if appropriate, incorporated into our proposals prior to the submission of a formal planning application.


FI Real Estate Management (FIREM) is pleased to present its ideas for development proposals at 47 & 48 “Dragon Packaging” Clywedog Road North, Wrexham Industrial Estate through this online exhibition and community consultation.

Wrexham Industrial Estate is the second largest such estate in the UK, host to over 300 companies, and a strategically important employment location for Wrexham and the wider North Wales economy.  Investment in existing premises is central to maintaining the presence of existing businesses and encouraging their future growth. FIREM, and the current long-term tenant, consider the existing units no longer meet their modern business needs, falling short on storage space and efficient operation of the units.

FIREM is developing its proposals for the development of 47-48 “Dragon Packaging” Clywedog Road North to respond to tenant demand for two new, modern extension units and improvements to the service yard. Dragon Packaging operates a thermos-packaging production and distribution facility from the site and has opportunity to invest in expansion to expand and diversify its product range and customer base. This scheme has been designed to meet that need by providing a doubling storage and distribution space alongside an enlarged service yard and second access point onto Clywedog Road South to improve vehicle circulation within the site.

FIREM hopes to bring forward development in early 2023 following grant of planning permission.

The Proposal

Our proposal will create two extensions, each of 848m², to either side of the existing combined Units 47 & 49. The floorspace will be storage and distribution use, (Use Class B8).

An enlarged and reconfigured service yard and parking area will be provided to front. Access will remain off Clywedog Road North, alongside an additional means of access onto Clywedog Road South (egress only). There will also be landscaping and ancillary works. 

The new extensions will be finished in a modern cladding system with the existing units reclad to match. The existing offices will be retained to front in their existing brick finish. Overall the enlarged unit will present as a uniform, modern, commercial unit.

Further details and images are provided in the boards below.

More details of our planning policy response and technical information on Drainage, Transport, Landscape, Trees and Ecology are provided in the links below to the draft detailed planning application.

Proving Feedback

The consultation period will run until the 13th October 2022.

You can provide feedback by email or letter as follows:

  • By Post to: FI Real Estate Management (“Dragon Packaging”, Wrexham Industrial Estate), Canal Mill, Botany Bay, Chorley, Lancashire PR6 9AF
  • By Email to: [email protected] (please put “Dragon Packaging, Wrexham Industrial Estate” in the subject line)

After the consultation period has ended all feedback will be collated and evaluated to inform the final planning application proposals.  Any comments received after this date may not inform our evaluation.

The Site

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Site Context

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Design Proposal

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The Team

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To access the below reports please click here.

  • Wrexham “Dragon Packaging” Proposals Plans (MCAU)
  • Wrexham “Dragon Packaging” Draft DAS (MCAU)
  • Wrexham “Dragon Packaging” Planning Statement PAC (Plan Red)
  • Wrexham “Dragon Packaging” PAC Cover Letter (Plan Red)
  • PAC Site Notices in English and Welsh
  • Waste Management Plan for PAC Wrexham “Dragon Packaging” (Plan Red/ Dragon Packaging)
  • UES Preliminary Ecological Assessment (“PEA” (UES)
  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment (MD Landscaping)
  • Phase 1 Desk Study (Integra)
  • Draft Flood Consequence Assessment (Integra)
  • Draft SuDS Strategy (Integra)
  • Draft Transport Statement (Prime Transport)

Please be aware that comments left on any public consultation exercise, either by email or any other means, are subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy. Please read this policy carefully as by submitting the information you are consenting to our use of your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Your personal data will be retained on our secure database and will not be passed to our clients.

We may also like to contact you to keep you informed about future developments relating to this consultation. You will be able to opt-out of these communications at any time.